Comment on proposed changes to the Henley Conservation Area
People in Henley are being invited to comment on some proposed changes to the boundary of the town’s conservation area.
The conservation area is designated for its special architectural or historic interest and helps to protect the characteristics that make Henley-on-Thames a distinctive, historic and unique place.
Property and land in the conservation area is covered by extra planning controls which helps to guard against inappropriate work and protect the distinctive look of the area. This includes additional rules covering demolition, development, advertising and to help protect trees.
Have your say – comment on the Henley Conservation Area Appraisal
South Oxfordshire District Council is now reviewing the Henley Conservation Area to help ensure that it continues to meet local need.
The council is inviting residents to comment on the Henley Conservation Area Appraisal including some proposed changes to the conservation area boundary in several locations.
To find out more and to have your say online please visit southoxon.gov.uk/henleyconservation. The consultation runs from Wednesday 30 March until 11.59pm on Wednesday 25 May 2022.
Paper copies of the documents and comment form are also available at Henley Town Hall and Henley Library.
Cllr Anne-Marie Simpson, Cabinet Member for Planning at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: “This review will help to ensure that the conservation area continues to serve its purpose in helping to protect Henley’s famous and historic characteristics.
“We will be writing to all households that are directly affected by the proposed changes, but if do you live in or near to the conservation area, I would encourage you to look through the appraisal document and to submit your comments.”
Once the consultation ends, officers will review all the comments and then ask South Oxfordshire District Council’s Cabinet to consider adopting the revised boundary and appraisal document. Once adopted, the final documents will be published on the council’s website.