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An image of a group of older people chatting outdoors, they look happy and are wearing active clothing

November 4, 2022

A new approach for community health and wellbeing

“We want our residents to be active, healthy and happy.” Those were the words of Cllr Helen Pighills, Cabinet Member for Healthy Communities at Vale of White Horse District Council about a new Active Communities strategy her council has launched in partnership with South Oxfordshire District Council. “Our aim is to give our local residents […]

June 8, 2020

Shielding our most vulnerable

Released on March 26, 2020 Our most vulnerable residents across Oxfordshire will have recently received correspondence from the NHS, identifying them as high risk and advising them to strictly self-isolate for 12 weeks. We know this long term restriction may cause additional concerns for those without any nearby support and we want to make sure […]