Sustainability stories – Installing Solar Panels and Air Source Heat Pumps
The Harwellian Club installed 68 x solar panels and batteries as well as heat pumps. Download their presentation to see how they did it and where they got funding.
The Wallingford Sports Trust (pictured above) installed 130 x solar panels and batteries. Download their presentation how to find out how they did it.

Above – 26 solar panels installed on the roof of the Thame Players Theatre thanks to funding including from SODC.
Little Pippins pre-school in Harwell installed solar panels on their school building thanks in part to the Vale’s Climate Action Fund.

“We installed 20 solar panels into the roof of the pre-school. Staff involved the children in the plans and educated them about solar energy.
“Within days of installation we were fully connected and able to sell any excess energy back to the national grid.
“It will save the pre-school around £1,400 a year in energy bills and save around 3,000kg in carbon emissions.”
Little Pippins Pre-School
The following organisations applied for funding for solar panels from the SODC Capital Grant.
- Little Milton Parish Council for its shop/Post Office
- Thames Sports Club
- Lewknor Parish Council
Chinnor Community Church used a SODC Councillor Community grant towards installing solar panels.
“We’ve been able to offer more events to the community due to the savings in our electricity and heating costs. During the summer months we were able to sell electricity to the National Grid as our building is light and didn’t need heating.”
Chinnor Community Church
Contact us - Climate and Biodiversity Team
South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE