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  • The quickest way to pay for your garden waste permit is online. Our phone lines are extremely busy. If you encounter any issues, this may be due to the high volume of users – please try again later. − Pay here:

Bulky waste collections

Unwanted items in a good condition could be donated to charity.

There are a number of charities that collect reusable furniture, electrical appliances and other household items around Oxfordshire. These include:

As of January 2021, large retailers of electrical items will begin accepting small electrical items in-store to recycle on an exchange basis regardless of brand or condition. If you are planning on replacing a small electrical item please consider checking with the retailer to see if they are participating in this scheme

Yes, we can collect

  • Furniture*
  • Televisions
  • Washing machines
  • Mattresses
  • Fridges and freezers**

*We can only collect items less than 6ft long. Please dismantle items longer than this before we collect them with the exception of sofas.

**Please clean and empty fridges and freezers of all food before we collect them.

We don’t collect

  • Commercial waste or items designed for commercial use
  • DIY waste, including fixtures or fittings.

How to book your collection

It costs a minimum of £53.50 for a collection service. For this we will take up to three items. You can book additional items (up to six) at a cost of £10.25 per extra item.

If there are no dates showing when you are booking a bulky waste collection then all dates are currently full.

Once you choose a date you will then get a confirmation (unfortunately at this time the text service is not available).

You can pay by debit/credit card, over the phone or by cheque/postal order made payable to South Oxfordshire District Council. You need to write your address, and the job number we give you, on the back of the cheque which you can send to us at: The Waste Team (see Contacts section of this page for address).

No changes can be made to an order once it has been booked. For cancellations, please read the full terms and conditions below.

Collection day

The items must be visible and accessible on your property from 6am on the agreed collection day. If you live in a flat or other property and we normally collect your rubbish from communal bins, the items must be put out next to where we collect the communal bins from.

Please make sure the items are left as close to the public highway as possible whilst still being within your property boundary. When the crews come to collect the item, if they decide it is too unsafe to carry due to how far it is from the public highway they will not collect it.

If they aren’t in the correct location when they come to make the collection, the items won’t be taken away and a refund will not be be given.

We can only collect items smaller than six feet in length that have been dismantled where possible. If you have items larger than 6ft they will need to be taken to your local tip.

Taking waste to the tips (Household waste recycling centres)

See Oxfordshire County Council’s website to see where the tips are and what they will accept.

Waste removal by someone other than the council

If you pay someone to remove rubbish from your property and it’s then fly-tipped (dumped on land rather than properly disposed of) you could be prosecuted.
The legal responsibility is on you to check that they are legally allowed to dispose of waste.  You could be prosecuted if someone who is not a registered waste carrier fly-tips your waste. 

  • Check they are a registered waste carrier – visit  or call 03708 506 506
  • Get a written receipt/transfer note showing their contact details, a description of your waste, and details of where they are taking it
  • Note down the make, colour and registration number of the vehicle that’s taking your waste away

Contact us - Waste and recycling

01235 422406
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

The Waste Team
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE