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How to reduce your waste & increase your reuse

It takes raw materials, water and energy to create every item we bring into our homes – whether it is a plastic pot of yoghurt or an item of clothing or a washing machine. Its journey will have created carbon dioxide as it was transported from its original factory to a shop or online warehouse and then to your home. And eventually (or after just a few days in the case of food and food packaging) it is used and disposed of.

Reuse of existing products, reducing consumption and recycling are the best ways to help make a difference to our climate.
See our action on climate change pages on how to get involved locally as an individual or as a business


Five quick steps to reduce your waste

  1. Take reusable bags every time you go shopping
  2. Buy your fruit and veg naked (them not you)
  3. Buy zero waste products where possible
  4. Use a reusable water bottle -tap water in a reusable bottle costs approximately 0.1p – water in a plastic bottle costs around £1 (and creates plastic waste)
  5. Buy pre-owned (second hand) items where possible.