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  • You can now pay for your garden waste permit. The quickest way to do this is online via our garden waste page. Our phone lines will be busier than normal this week. −

Valley Park, Didcot

This site is in the Vale of White Horse, just over the South Oxfordshire border, adjacent to Great Western Park. It has space allocated for 4,254 homes with a minimum of 35 per cent affordable housing.

Please note, all planning applications for this site are determined by Vale of White Horse District Council.

In April 2016 the Vale granted outline planning permission, subject to various conditions and the completion of a S106 legal agreement which would secure contributions to local infrastructure, affordable housing and open space.

The Vale is still negotiating with the developer over the S106 agreement and building work cannot begin until an agreement has been reached.

Application references:

  • Outline Application – P14/V2873/O

The applicants are Hallam Land Management Ltd, Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd and Persimmon Homes Ltd (agent RPS).