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Neighbourhood Planning Toolkit

If you’re thinking of making a Neighbourhood Plan, or you’re already doing so, our toolkit will guide you through the process, step by step.


Step one - is a neighbourhood plan for you?

Before you begin, you should make sure a Neighbourhood Plan will do what you want it to. You may find a community led plan is more suitable right now. They have the added advantage that you can use them to help create a neighbourhood plan in the future.

To see some examples of what the different types of plan are for, and how a community led plans can help you create a neighbourhood plan take a look at this diagram.

How to make a decision

Address the issues and opportunities your community faces. Answer questions like where are we now? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? To help you do this, you can:

  • gather information about your area
  • assess your area’s strengths and weaknesses
  • draft a vision statement for your community
  • identify a series of objectives.

This is known as ‘scoping’.


Look at what other communities are doing, especially ones similar to yours


The Localism Act 2011

Plain English guide to the Localism Act 2011