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Polling District and Polling Places Review

What is a Polling District and Polling Places review?

In accordance with the Representation of the People Act 1983 and the Electoral Administration Act 2013, local authorities must undertake a review of all polling districts and polling places used for parliamentary elections every five years. It is also possible to undertake interim reviews when required.

A polling district is a geographical area that is set for election purposes, and electors who live in the same polling district go to the same polling place to vote. The polling place should be located within the border of the geographical area, if possible.

A polling place is the whole building or area where your polling station is located and where you go to vote. There may be more than one polling station inside the same polling place, depending on how many voters need to vote there.

Purpose of reviews

The purpose of a Polling District and Polling Places review is to ensure voters have reasonable and practical facilities for voting and that, as far as is reasonable and practicable, polling places are accessible to all electors, and meet the needs of disabled persons.

The Council seeks feedback on any aspect of the polling districts and/or polling places currently used, inviting representation and comments from interested persons. Local political parties and Councillors are also consulted, and views are invited from electors and local community groups within the district.

Although the primary focus of Polling District and Polling Place reviews is polling districts and polling places, it is accepted that polling stations are also generally affected, so comments are invited regarding the stations currently used and/or any suggested alternatives. 

What is not covered by the review?

This type of review is concerned only with the administrative subdivision of wards into polling districts, which are then assigned polling places.

The following matters are not considered as part of the review:

  • The changing of any district ward boundaries – this can only be done by statute following an electoral review carried out by the Local Government Boundary Commission.


  • The changing of polling districts in areas that are also aligned with Parish boundaries – these can only be amended during a Community Governance Review.

Upcoming reviews

There are currently no upcoming Polling District and Polling Place reviews.

Historic reviews


Contact us - Electoral services

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE