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  • The quickest way to pay for your garden waste permit is online. Our phone lines are extremely busy. If you encounter any issues, this may be due to the high volume of users – please try again later. − Pay here:

Public spaces

Clearing abandoned vehicles

You can report an abandoned vehicle here

Safe disposal of dead animals

You can report dead animals in public areas (such as dogs, cats, deer, foxes and badgers), particularly if they are causing an obstruction on the highway or footpath. Call 03000 610610 or use our online form below: Report a dead animal here

Do you suspect an outbreak of bird flu (avian influenza) or need advice?

Click here for guidance on what to do

Dog fouling

If you see someone allowing their dog to foul on public land and not picking up after them please report dog fouling here

Fly posting

Display of advertising material on street furniture or buildings without the consent of the owner.  The council is responsible for removing flyposting from council buildings, public toilets, car parks etc. Report fly posting here or call 03000 610610 or email

Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for removing fly posting on street lights or on grass verges or roundabouts.

Fly tipping

To report an issue of fly tipping here


If you notice graffiti on property we own, like public toilets, rubbish bins, street name plates or one of our leisure centres, please contact our waste contractors Biffa by emailing or calling 03000 610610.  You can also report graffiti online.

Removal of graffiti on private property or business premises is the responsibility of the property owner so please contact them directly, as they may not be aware it is there. If you live in a housing association property, please contact your local housing officer.


We empty litter bins as follows:

  • Town centre litter bins – daily
  • Outer town area litter bins – once a week
  • All other litter bins –  once a week on refuse collection days

Use the online form to report a full or overflowing litter bin

Our environmental enforcement officers issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) of £80 (reduced to £50 if paid within 10 days) to anyone over the age of 18 for dropping litter on a public land/ highway but not picking it up. 

To report an offender please contact the envirocrime team on or report littering here

Street litter

To report litter on a public highway please use the Fix My Street website.

Community litter picks

To book a group community litter pick or to learn how you can hire equipment on a long-term basis, please visit our litter picking page.