Reporting a nuisance
Before reporting a nuisance, please read our guidance notes on the information we will need to take the matter further. You will also need to complete some actions after reporting a noise, nuisance or pollution complaint (such as completing diary sheets about the alleged issue).
A nuisance can include:
- excessive noise from a neighbouring house or business such as a car alarm, cockerels calling or barking dog
- excessive noise from music
- dust from a nearby building site
- excess artificial light from an external security light impacting sleep
- frequent bonfires and dark smoke
- building site
- Agricultural smells (odour from muck spreading)
If you experience one of the above from a neighbouring property or business, we suggest (if you feel comfortable to do so) that you approach them first to speak about the problem. This usually resolves the issue quickly and is a better long-term solution.
We have no powers to investigate nuisance complaints about:
- noise from footsteps and movement within the property, normal talking, babies crying or low level television noise (non-excessive) from a neighbour (i.e. normal domestic noise). These could be heard due to poor sound insulation between the two properties
- noise from children playing in their garden
- person(s) carrying out DIY works during the day and at weekends over a few weeks
- a party which happens a couple of times a year and finished at a reasonable time (~23:00) in the evening
- odour and smell coming from domestic properties (including cigarette smoke)
- fireworks and commercial firework displays
- a bonfire that a neighbour has from time-to-time that does not create dark smoke
- artificial lighting causing sky glow/impacting dark skies
- noise from the highway, railway and aircraft (civil and military)
- noise from a typical activity someone might undertake in the home (i.e. cutting the grass).
- residential parking disputes
- telecommunication masts
Make a complaint about an alleged nuisance
We strongly recommend you read through the guidance notes below before making a formal complaint.
If an alleged nuisance continues to be a problem and you’d like to make a formal complaint, you will need to fill out one of our online complaint forms. The privacy notice for using the Noise App can be found here.
What happens when you report a nuisance?
- a case officer will contact you to discuss the problem
- ask you to keep and return written diary sheets about the impact of the issue (i.e. provide evidence)
- contact the neighbour or business to let them know that a complaint has been made
- If diary sheets are returned and indicate a potential statutory nuisance; to gather further evidence (such as a council officer completing visits or install noise recording equipment)
- pursue legal action if the neighbour or business continues to cause problems by serving a formal notice (an abatement notice) – this may ultimately result in a fine or seizure of equipment if breached.
Please note, if we need to pursue legal action to resolve the complaint, this could result in your identity being revealed to your neighbour/the business during legal proceedings. You could also be required to give evidence, if the case goes to court.
For example, your neighbour/the business will have a legal right to know who made a complaint against them if they decide to appeal an abatement notice in court.
What to do if you’ve received a letter from the council about an alleged nuisance complaint
If we’ve contacted you about an alleged problem, think about whether any of your actions could be having an unreasonable impact on your neighbours right to peaceful enjoyment of their home. Please also contact the case officer who has written to you, to discuss the matter further.
Please do not ignore the allegation or problem, because if it is substantiated, it could result in you or your business having an abatement notice served against you. If breached, you could end up going to court and getting fined.
Contact us - Environmental Protection
01235 422403
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
South Oxfordshire District Council
Environmental Protection Team
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE