Our environmental enforcement officers issue Fixed Penalty Notices to anyone over the age of 18 for dropping litter on public land or along a highway. From 1 April 2025, this amount will rise to £500.
If someone refuses to pay they can be taken to the local Magistrates Court for the offence and fined up to £2,500.
If you see a person dropping litter and not picking it up, please note down as many details as you can that might help us to identify them. We require the following information to commence an investigation:
- date and time of incident
- location of incident
- description of person dropping litter
- description of the item of litter
- name and/or address of person dropping litter
We will need a written statement from you for our investigation, which could lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued.
If you have witnessed a person littering you can report it here.
Overflowing bins
We empty litter bins as follows:
- Town centre litter bins – daily
- Outer town area litter bins – once a week
- All other litter bins – once a week on refuse collection days
You can report a full or overflowing litter bin here.
Request a new bin
Before requesting a new litter bin, please read the information on installing litter bins document. To request a new litter bin complete the litter bin request form and return it to the waste team by emailing or by post.
Street Cleaning
All adopted highway roads are cleaned regularly. Busy high streets and main roads are swept more regularly than roads in residential and rural areas.
If you would like to report excess litter on the highway please contact our street cleaning contractor, Biffa, on 03000 610610 or email .