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How to stay legal if you pay someone to get rid of rubbish

A photo of fly-tipped rubbish and the words 'If your rubbish is fly-tipped, you could be fined.  Don't risk it!!

By law you are responsible for your rubbish, even if you pay someone else to take it away.

So, if you pay someone to remove rubbish from your property and it’s then fly-tipped (dumped on land rather than properly disposed of) you could be prosecuted.

You are responsible for checking that the person or trader taking your rubbish away is legally allowed to transport and dispose of it.

What it could cost you

If rubbish from your property is found fly-tipped and you failed to check that the person taking it away was registered and didn’t keep the required information, you could receive an on-the-spot £300 fine.  From 1 April 2025, this will rise to £600.

If you fail to pay a fine, you may be prosecuted in court which could lead to a criminal conviction and a much greater financial penalty.

To stay legal, follow the SCRAP code:

S – Suspect

Don’t let anyone take your rubbish until they give you proof that they are legitimate. Also, note their vehicle’s registration plate.

C – Check

You can check whether they are a registered waste carrier on the Environment Agency’s website.

R – Refuse

If you suspect that someone who you have spoken to will be disposing of waste illegally, refuse to use their services, and instead report them to the Environment Agency.

A – Ask

Always ask for evidence of how your rubbish will be disposed of. 

P – Paperwork

Ask for paperwork that includes a description of the waste being removed and the waste carrier’s contact details. This paperwork could be a:

  • proper invoice
  • waste transfer note
  • receipt

It is also good to keep a note of the make, colour and registration number of the vehicle that’s taking your rubbish away.

For more information about removing other waste please visit our bulky waste and dangerous waste pages.

Information for businesses and traders

If you are looking to have commercial/trade waste removed, please visit Oxfordshire County Council’s website for details on how to responsibly dispose of business and commercial waste.

You must register as a waste carrier, if your business does any of the following:

  • transports waste (a carrier)
  • buys, sells or disposes of waste (a dealer)
  • arranges for someone else to buy, sell or dispose of waste (a broker)

You can get an unlimited fine if you do not register.

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