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SO Charitable Lottery

The SO Charitable lottery logo

We run a lottery scheme called ‘SO Charitable Lottery’ that supports local charities and voluntary groups in South Oxfordshire.

To find out more and play, visit the SO Charitable Lottery website.

Tickets cost just £1 each, with 60p going to good causes within the local area who are registered on the SO Charitable lottery.

Players can choose which local good cause(s) they want to support when they purchase tickets and draws take place weekly with prizes ranging from free prize draw entries to a £25,000 jackpot.

We do not receive any of the proceeds and from every ticket sold:

  • 50p goes to registered good causes and 10p into a general fund, known as the SO Charitable Community Fund, which supports the local Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in South Oxfordshire
  • 20p to the prize fund
  • 17p to Gatherwell, the external lottery management operator that runs the lottery on our behalf
  • 3p to VAT

More information about the SO charitable Community Fund

Proceeds from the general SO Charitable Community Fund will provide vital support and unrestricted income to a wide range of local organisations and community initiatives which have a beneficial impact on the local community.

When participants take part in the lottery, they can either support a charity/group or donate to the central community fund which is administered by South Oxfordshire District Council and all funds from the central fund will be distributed annually to multiple good causes.

We have set up an awards process to distribute the central fund to local good causes who are registered on the lottery, based on the following criteria:

  • funds raised will be shared proportionately between all organisations selling 20 tickets or more a week;
  • there is no formal application process, as organisations who qualify for an award will be automatically notified in writing;
  • any eligible award will be paid directly into the organisation’s bank account

Information for good causes

It’s free to join for eligible voluntary, community or charitable groups as a beneficiary of the lottery. What’s more it’s quick and easy!

Simply go to the SO Charitable Lottery website to find out more and apply today.

Contact us - Community Enablement

01235 422405
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE