Early careers and apprenticeships
Impact: The Local Government Graduate Programme (formerly known as the National Graduate Development Programme or the NGDP)
This is the LGA’s flagship national graduate programme for local government. We joined the programme in 2023 and offer a unique opportunity for graduates to join us. The programme helps us to meet strategic goals and builds a pipeline of future talent.
Work experience
Every year, we give young people an opportunity to find out more about careers in local government through work experience.
We’re not offering any further opportunities at the moment and look forward to receiving applications next year.
We’re part of the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship group, which provides everything you need to know about apprenticeships and current opportunities.
There are many opportunities for apprenticeships available across Oxfordshire, for more details www.oxme.info/opportunities
Data Privacy Notice
You have the right to be informed what the council does with your personal data. You can read about the Data Privacy Notice for Work experience by going to the link below:
Data Privacy Notice – Work experience

Contact us - Learning and Development Team
South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE