Service Specific Privacy Notices
You have the right to be informed what the council does with your personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). We do this through a privacy notice for our services which covers the following information in addition to that provided in our privacy policy.
- Active communities
- Business rates
- Cemeteries
- Communications
- Community Enablement
- Community Hub
- Community safety
- Compliments, Comments and Complaints
- Consultations and engagements
- Consultation database
- Council tax
- Customer service
- Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR)
- Democratic services
- Democratic services code of conduct complaints
- Economic development
- Elections staff
- Elections
- Environmental protection
- Equalities database consultations
- First Homes Scheme
- Fly tipping and littering
- Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR)
- Food and workplace safety
- Future Oxfordshire Partnership
- Garden waste
- General consultations
- Housing benefit, council tax reduction and discretionary housing payment
- Housing needs
- Human Resources – Past and Present Employees
- Human Resources – Job Applicants
- Land charges
- Land drainage
- Legal
- Licensing – licence holders and applicants
- Licensing – complainants and objectors
- Local Nature Partnership
- Grounds and parks
- Planning
- Planning policy – LUC landscape hub consultation
- Planning policy consultation
- Programmes and assurance
- Private sector housing
- Public participation in council meetings
- Register of electors
- SO Charitable Lottery
- Strategic property
- Waste and recycling
- Work Experience
Contact us - Customer services
01235 422422
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)
South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE