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  • The quickest way to pay for your garden waste permit is online. Our phone lines are extremely busy. If you encounter any issues, this may be due to the high volume of users – please try again later. − Pay here:

Requesting information

Lots of the information people look for is already available on this website within our publication scheme, transparency code information, on our data hub, our news pages, individual service team pages and council meetings pages.

You can request specific information from us (that is not publicly available on our website), under:

Freedom of Information Act or the Environmental Information Regulations

To find out more about how we manage your personal data and your rights over your personal data please visit our data protection page.

Information in other languages or formats

If you need information translated into another language or in an alternative format please get in touch.

Re-use of public sector information

The information available under the Transparency Code and the Publication Scheme is licensed under the Open Government Licence (OGL) and you can use and re-use the information that is available under this licence freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions as set out in the OGL licence.  When you use this information under the OGL, you must use the following attribution statement to acknowledge the source of the information and, where possible include a link to the licence and OGL symbol:

© South Oxfordshire District Council This is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated.