Budget 2023/24
The Council approved its budget and district council tax for 2023/24 at the council meeting on 16 February 2023 and decided to raise the district council tax by £5 (3.7%). You can view the budget report together with the appendices by clicking on the links below.
Revenue Budget 2023/24 and Capital Programme to 2027/28
Appendix A.1 Revenue Budget Summary
Appendix A.2 Opening Budget Adjustments
Appendix A.3 Inflation and Salary Changes
Appendix A.5 Base Budget Savings
Appendix B.2 Revenue Growth Outcomes
Appendix C Service Budget Analysis
Appendix D.1 Capital Programme before Growth
Appendix D.2 Capital Growth Bids
Appendix D.3 Capital Growth Funded by CIL