Major next step towards creating accessible Wallingford Riverside
Published 17 September 2024
Work on creating accessible moorings on the River Thames at Wallingford Riverside is due to start this September.
A boost of over £209,000 is being invested by South Oxfordshire District Council towards major accessibility improvements at the riverside location.
The package of improvements has been designed to be step free to provide easy access to all types of river craft and to enhance the whole riverside as an attractive destination for residents, visitors, clubs and river users alike.
Work will cover improvements to the existing access path, roadway, ramp and moorings at the riverside – in addition to the installation of an accessible pontoon at Wallingford Riverside Moorings, providing improved access for all visitors to the river including wheelchair users.
Work is anticipated to commence from Friday 27 September for around 12 weeks (subject to weather conditions).
An experienced civil engineering firm, Greenford Ltd, who are based in Wheatley, will complete the work.
Cllr Sam James-Lawrie, South Oxfordshire District Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “I’m so pleased to hear work is starting soon. Everyone should have access to the watercourse, and this will allow so many more people to enjoy the beautiful nature of the river.
“This project has been a long time in the making – with all the necessary planning and licenses needed and ensuring the timing worked with the end of the busy summer season at the Riverside campsite, outdoor pool and splashpad. We’re committed to continue investing in community infrastructure and ensure that residents have access to facilities that improve overall wellbeing and quality of life.”
Work is also nearing completion, in a related project, to create a Changing Places accessible bathroom at the riverside, next to the existing toilet facilities – ready for the following season.
Cllr James-Lawrie added: “We’ve already put significant funding in recent years into the campsite, pool, toilet and wash facilities and a fabulous makeover of our splash pads – which proved incredibly popular the last two seasons.
“Our latest improvements further enhance the location as a ‘destination’ within the district. I’m also pleased we are in a position to make the facilities more accessible so that everyone can benefit from our beautiful riverside.”
Alongside the work on the accessible moorings, another related project will be providing a new accessible club cabin, with access to water and electricity for use by Wallingford Accessible Boat Club. The ambition is to then create a cheerful artwork on the cabin to brighten up the area.
Whilst the moorings can be used by all, they are specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Wallingford Accessible Boat Club’s wheelyboat, WOW-one, to enable disabled and less mobile people have equal access to the river. To contact the club for further support or guidance, visit www.wabc.org.uk
John Jenkins MBE, Chairman of Wallingford Accessible Boat Club, commented: “I am both delighted and excited by the news that the development work on this accessible site is starting very soon – we’ll be even more delighted when it is complete! We have been working with the district council for the past four years, facing and overcoming numerous delays and hurdles along the way but, at last, the end is in sight and we will have a wheelyboat operating base in central Wallingford opening up new opportunities for our passengers and our club.”
Cllr Sue Cooper, Ward Councillor for Benson and Crowmarsh, said: “This is fantastic news for Wallingford, Crowmarsh and our local communities and visitors. We are delighted this much anticipated project is finally coming to fruition and the riverside facilities will be accessible for all. It is the result of lots of hard work not only by the district council, but from the efforts of ward councillors, parish councillors, the town council, Wallingford Accessible Boat Club and the local community, all working together for these improvements to happen.”
South Oxfordshire District Council used £209,534 of CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) money, which comes from developer contributions to the local area, to finance this latest project. This refurbishment work follows a £400,000 boost last year of the onsite wash facilities and a revamp of the splashpads.
As part of the wider work to enhance the environment in Wallingford, the district council has also supported environmental charity Thames21 and Wallingford Town Council in their successful bid to secure bathing water status on the River Thames at Wallingford earlier this year, which will help to drive improvements to water quality.
Riverside Park and Pool are run by GLL on behalf of the council, whilst South Oxfordshire District Council owns and manages the park and moorings at this site.
Find out more about Wallingford Riverside Meadows here.