Council services over Christmas and New Year 2022/23
A guide to council services over the Christmas and New Year period when the council offices are closed to the public.
Abbey House – Reception will close at Abbey House from 4pm (phone lines at 4.30pm) on Friday 23 December and will reopen on Tuesday 3 January.
Waste collections – all you need to know about waste collections over the Christmas and New Year period – including the changes to the collection dates and what to do if collections are disrupted – is on our Christmas waste page.
Housing – If you know anyone who is at immediate risk of being made homeless while our offices are closed, contact our out-of-hours service, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The number to call for South Oxfordshire is 01235 422410 and in Vale 01235 422420. If you see someone sleeping rough and in an emergency situation you can call Streetlink on 0300 500 0914.
Cost of living help – The Community Hub will be closed from 4.30pm on Friday 23 December 2022 and will reopen on Tuesday 3 January 2023 at 8.30am. If you need support or advice over the festive period please go to our website for more information or please contact our emergency out of hours phone number – 01235 422410.
Planning – Any planning applications or post submitted after we close for Christmas, including electronic submissions, will be treated as having been received on our next working day, Tuesday 3 January 2023
Council tax and benefits services – If anyone needs urgent help with council tax or benefits during the holidays, Capita’s phone lines will be open as usual between 28 and 30 December.
Emergency Situations – There are details of what to do and who to contact during an emergency on our websites – Emergency situations South