A guide to council services over the Christmas and New Year period when the council offices are closed to the public.
Latest news
August 3, 2020
South Oxfordshire Local Plan examination reaches fourth and final week
Released on August 3, 2020 The public examination of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan enters its fourth and final week this week with discussions set to focus mostly on the district’s three market towns and Didcot Garden Town. On Tuesday 4 August proceedings will start by looking at Henley on Thames, with the remaining time […]
August 3, 2020
Your yellow letter is coming – please check the details!
Released on July 30, 2020 Residents in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being urged to check the details on a yellow letter which they will receive from their district council from the start of August. South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are sending a yellow ‘Canvass Communication Form’ […]
August 3, 2020
Cabinet to consider potential changes to council’s parking policy
Released on July 29, 2020 At its meeting on Thursday 6 August South Oxfordshire District Council’s Cabinet will consider a number of options for potential changes to the district’s parking policy. Options that cabinet will look at include: Standardising the charging hours and Sunday parking fees across the district so that all areas are treated […]
July 27, 2020
South Oxfordshire Local Plan examination set to enter Week Three
Released on July 27, 2020 The public examination of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2034 is set to enter its third week on Tuesday 28 July when discussions will focus on strategic sites which have been put forward as potential development areas in the emerging Plan. On Tuesday the focus will be on Chalgrove Airfield, […]
July 27, 2020
Chief Executive’s address to Council
Released on July 24, 2020 On Thursday 16 July Mark Stone, Chief Executive at South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils, made the following address to all South Oxforedshire councillors during their full meeting of the District Council: Thank you Chair, It is unusual for me to address Council in this way, but the Chair and Leader […]
July 27, 2020
Leisure centres prepare to re-open in southern Oxfordshire from this weekend
Released on July 24, 2020 This weekend is one that many have been waiting for as some of the leisure centres in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse will begin opening. There will be a gradual, phased opening from this Saturday, which includes changes to opening times. While not all facilities will be […]
July 21, 2020
New housing grants policy makes it easier for those in need of help with their homes
Released on July 20, 2020 South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have made it easier for people with disabilities – or who are vulnerable – to receive housing assistance grants and loans to help make their homes safer and more comfortable. While the councils have always provided a grants and loans service […]
July 21, 2020
New look Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board
Released on July 20, 2020 On 13 July, the Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board formally welcomed Cllr Rita Atkinson from Sutton Courtenay Parish Council as new member of the board. Cllr Atkinson’s role will be to represent the views of the five parish councils that sit mainly within the garden town area. Rita has been […]
July 21, 2020
Wallingford outdoor pool and splash park – A letter
Released on July 20, 2020 Cllr Maggie Filipova-Rivers wrote a letter to the Oxford Mail on the 20 July 2020 in reaction to their article on the 18 July looking at the decision not to reopen the outdoor pool and splash park over the summer Dear Sir, Following Saturday’s article in your paper, I wanted […]
July 17, 2020
Working towards a thriving future for South Oxfordshire
Released on July 16, 2020 If you had a say in what’s most important for your council to focus on what would you say? Would it be tackling the climate emergency, helping local businesses to thrive, or supporting healthy communities? These are all subjects that councillors at South Oxfordshire District Council regularly have to debate […]