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September 30, 2020

£8 million of new funding for affordable homes across South and Vale

£8 million could be pumped into providing more affordable homes across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse following Cabinet meetings at the two district councils this week. Both councils have a strong commitment to delivering genuinely affordable housing, and reports being discussed by the councils’ Cabinets set out the options to how to […]

September 24, 2020

Celebrate World Rivers Day in South Oxfordshire

People in South Oxfordshire are being encouraged to join in World Rivers Day on Sunday 27 September.  The day is a celebration of the world’s waterways, highlighting the many values of rivers, increasing public awareness and encouraging us to take better care of them.  There are many types of activities you can get involved with for World […]

September 22, 2020

South Oxfordshire Local Plan – your chance to comment on the Proposed Main Modifications

Released on September 21, 2020 Councillors in South Oxfordshire are urging residents, communities, local businesses and organisations to have their say on a number of changes proposed by the Planning Inspector to the emerging South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035. The emerging Local Plan is currently being progressed to adoption under a Direction from the Secretary […]

September 21, 2020

It’s National Recycling Week and residents are confused about crisp tubes

It’s National Recycling Week and crisp manufacturer Pringles has recently announced it will trial more recycling-friendly packaging, which is just as well as a survey has found residents in southern Oxfordshire say crisp tubes are the items they are most unsure of when it comes to recycling! In addition to confusion over crisp tubes, people […]

September 15, 2020

18,700 homes urged to respond to voter registration reminder

Households in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being urged to respond immediately if they receive a yellow reminder letter from the district council about their voter registration details. Over the summer South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils sent a ‘Canvass Communication Form’ to every home requiring residents to […]

September 10, 2020

Leisure facilities in southern Oxfordshire ready for the next phase of reopening

After recent assessments of the leisure facilities across southern Oxfordshire, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have agreed with GLL, who run the “Better” centres, that the second phase of reopening can start and from the 14 September more leisure activities will be able to resume.  On 25 July when leisure centres […]

September 2, 2020

Nearly £90,000 of funding available for volunteer groups and organisations to help vulnerable residents affected by Covid-19

Voluntary and community sector groups in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse can apply for a share of nearly £90,000 to help people affected by Covid-19 in the districts.  South Oxfordshire District Council has £45,373 to distribute and the Vale of White Horse District Council has £43,077 to provide funds for voluntary and […]

September 1, 2020

Councils seek volunteers to recommend councillors’ allowances

Released on August 26, 2020 South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District Council are looking for volunteers to join an Independent Remuneration Panel to help review councillors’ allowances.  Are you passionate about the local area? Would you like to be involved in setting councillors’ expenses and allowances that are reasonable for the […]

September 1, 2020

Letter from the Leader of South Oxfordshire District Council to the Planning Inspector for the public examination of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan

Released on August 25, 2020 On Wednesday 26 August, Cllr Sue Cooper, Leader of South Oxfordshire District Council, sent the following letter to Mr Jonathan Bore, Planning Inspector for the public examination of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan.  You can also download a copy of the lettter (173.3 KB)  . Dear Mr Bore I am writing about the […]

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August 28, 2020

Inspector publishes preliminary findings into South Oxfordshire Local Plan

South Oxfordshire District Council has received the Inspector’s preliminary findings on the emerging South Oxfordshire Local Plan.   The Planning Inspector sent the council a letter, which sets out his preliminary conclusions on the key matters that arose during the examination of the emerging Plan, which is being progressed through examination following a Direction from the […]