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South Oxfordshire District Council logo

February 4, 2021

South Oxfordshire publishes 2021/22 budget report

South Oxfordshire District Council has published its budget report for 2021/22, including proposals to allocate more than £500,000 to supporting community projects across the district. The report will be considered by the council’s Cabinet on 4 February and at the Scrutiny Committee on 9 February.  The budget will then be debated, and voted on, at […]

February 1, 2021

Businesses based in the Didcot Garden Town area invited to join new sounding board

A new opportunity has been created for the business community to get involved with Didcot Garden Town projects. Local businesses from all sectors and sizes are being encouraged to attend the first Didcot Garden Town Business Sounding Board on 8 February, 4.30pm-6pm. The public online meeting will be chaired by Nigel Tipple, Chief Executive of […]

January 29, 2021

Garden waste collections have resumed

Click here to find out more

January 26, 2021

Councils launch a dog fouling awareness campaign with maps showing locations of the highest number of complaints

Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire district councils have put together dog fouling maps of local towns and villages showing the areas with the highest number of complaints about owners not picking up after their animals. Using the maps the councils want to highlight the issue of dog fouling and remind owners that it […]

January 25, 2021

Residents feedback and update on local projects discussed at Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board

Didcot Garden Town Advisory Board members are meeting on Monday 25 January to find out how the first Residents Sounding Board meeting went and to hear the latest on planned improvements for the town.  The Residents Sounding Board is one of three groups set up by Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire District Councils […]

January 22, 2021

Community testing to be available for some key workers from early February

Community COVID-19 testing services for key workers will start to be rolled out in Oxfordshire in early February. It will use rapid lateral flow tests to help identify people who have COVID but display no symptoms. Identifying infectious individuals early, isolating them, and tracing their contacts can reduce transmission of the virus significantly. The new […]

South Oxfordshire District Council logo

January 15, 2021

Council response to the government’s consultation on Covid-19 funding

The Government provided details of the Covid-19 funding for local government in 2021-22. The Government also set up a consultation on the local government finance settlement 2021-22. South Oxfordshire District Council’s response to the consultation is summarised below: We welcome the additional funding support being proposed for councils for 2021-22.  However, are concerned that the additional funding […]

South Oxfordshire District Council logo

January 15, 2021

A statement from Cllr Sue Cooper, Leader of South Oxfordshire District Council

We support Ansaf Azhar, Oxfordshire County Council’s Director for Public Health’s message on the importance of continuing to follow the lockdown guidelines. Whilst the daily rate of new Covid-19 figures can fluctuate, figures for the whole of Oxfordshire remain high, hospitalisations and deaths are rising, and as we know this new variant is extremely infectious. […]

January 14, 2021

Residents in southern Oxfordshire should not go cold and hungry this winter.

The Winter Support Grant Scheme is now available for residents in South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse who need help to buy food and heating their homes this winter.  South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have been working with Oxfordshire County Council and other district councils to distribute the nearly £1.4million […]

January 12, 2021

First tenant moves into new housing project for homeless people in southern Oxfordshire

A former rough sleeper has started the new year by moving into a new home thanks to a new housing project for homeless people in southern Oxfordshire. Six new long-term homes have been provided for former rough sleepers in the south of the county following the success of a pilot project called ‘Housing First’ run […]