Latest news

July 22, 2021
Council votes to oppose voter ID requirements
South Oxfordshire District Council has passed a motion agreeing to oppose the proposed introduction of photo ID as a requirement to vote at polling stations.

July 22, 2021
South Oxfordshire District Council to support the creation of new protected areas
At its meeting on 15 July, South Oxfordshire Council welcomed plans to extend the Chilterns AONB and agreed, in principle, to support the creation of new protected areas in the district to help give residents access to nature.

July 21, 2021
People across South and Vale urged to have their say on the Ox-Cam Arc
People across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being urged to have their say on the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, a government led project which will have an impact on both districts in the future. The Oxford-Cambridge Arc includes the area between Oxford, Milton Keynes and Cambridge and aims to make significant economic, social […]

July 21, 2021
Route revealed for prestigious Women’s Tour cycling race (Oxfordshire stage)
Residents between Bicester, Oxford, Abingdon and Banbury will now be able to pick their spot, ready to cheer on elite riders when this year’s Women’s Tour professional cycling race comes to Oxfordshire on Monday 4 October. The provisional route details were revealed today, (Wednesday 21 July). From the start line on Bicester’s Sheep Street, it is anticipated the race […]

July 20, 2021
Grant scheme launches to help community groups in South Oxfordshire
A new round of funding is now open to help local charities and organisations in South Oxfordshire. Earlier this year South Oxfordshire District Council awarded £165,000 worth of grants to 96 projects across the district. As a part of the Councillor Community Grant scheme every South Oxfordshire District Councillor has a budget of up to […]

July 19, 2021
Disruption to waste collection services – July 2021
We are very sorry if your bins were not emptied as expected in the past couple of weeks. Our waste collection services are still facing some disruptions. Please see our waste collections page for the latest information. Thank you

July 16, 2021
Chief Executive Statement on the council’s five year land supply
The following statement was made by the Chief Executive at the South Oxfordshire District Council meeting on 15 July 2021: Our stated position is that our current land supply position is 5.33 years for the period from 2021 to 2026. This is the figure published following the annual reporting, in line with national guidance, by […]

July 12, 2021
Riverside splash pads to reopen soon for families
Two new riverside characters need your help to find them names! The splash pads at the Riverside outdoor pool area in Wallingford will reopen on the 19 July in time for fun for all the family during the school holidays. The outdoor pool and campsite at Riverside reopened at the end of May, the start […]

July 6, 2021
Man ordered to carry out 120 hours unpaid work after pleading guilty to two fly-tips
An Oxfordshire man was ordered to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work and pay £1,275 after he was successfully prosecuted by South Oxfordshire District Council following two fly-tips in the Benson and Oakley Wood areas. Andrew Hambidge, aged 30, of Hampden Square, Upper Heyford appeared at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on Friday (2 July) and […]

June 30, 2021
Councillors welcome proposals to protect and enhance the Chilterns AONB
South Oxfordshire District Councillors have welcomed plans which could see the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty extended and better protected for future generations. This week, the Government published proposals to create new protected landscapes and improve people’s access to nature, including the extension of the Chilterns AONB. The extended area will now be formally […]