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  • The quickest way to pay for your garden waste permit is online. Our phone lines are extremely busy. If you encounter any issues, this may be due to the high volume of users – please try again later. − Pay here:

Latest news

August 10, 2021

Help to shape the new Oxfordshire Air Quality website

Residents across the county are being asked to help shape a new air quality community website, which will help to raise awareness and understanding of air pollution across Oxfordshire. In March 2021, Oxford City Council was awarded £162,500 to develop an air quality community website to help raise awareness of air pollution across Oxfordshire. The […]

August 5, 2021

Council applies for High Court review of Little Sparrows development decision

On 25 June 2021, the Planning Inspector granted permission on appeal for a continuing care retirement community care village at Little Sparrows, Sonning Common.   South Oxfordshire District Council had previously refused permission for this development due to the potential impact on the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.     Following legal advice, and after consultation with the […]

South Oxfordshire District Council logo

August 5, 2021

Leader’s Report to Council – 15 July 2021

Council Leader Sue Copper delivered the following report to full Council at its meeting on 15 July: I would like to start by emphasising that actually an increasing number of our officers are still on Covid related work. It is well known that numbers of Covid cases in Oxfordshire and in Oxford in particular are […]

August 5, 2021

Table tennis facilities available for all ages and abilities in southern Oxfordshire

Table tennis tables will be appearing in locations across southern Oxfordshire over the summer. The tables are part of an ongoing initiative with South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils to help residents be active and healthy. The councils are working alongside Table Tennis England, the councils’ Didcot Garden Town project team and […]

August 2, 2021

Garden waste service suspended

From today South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have taken the difficult decision to activate their business continuity plan and suspend their garden waste collections. The councils’ bin crews will be prioritising the collection of food waste, recycling and general waste collections following government guidelines* in a bid to reduce the disruption […]

August 1, 2021

Garden waste suspended

From today South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have taken the difficult decision to activate their business continuity plan and suspend their garden waste collections. The councils’ bin crews will be prioritising the collection of food waste, recycling and general waste collections following government guidelines* in a bid to reduce the disruption […]

July 28, 2021

Book a test drive and join the electric vehicle revolution

Test drive events are taking place in Oxfordshire next month to showcase electric vehicles (EVs) and an innovative new way of charging them aimed at people without off-street parking.

July 28, 2021

Councils expand their free activity trails for children for the school summer holidays

From Monday 9 August to Monday 30 August South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils are running FREE Litter Bug Detectives Trails for children in 19 sites across southern Oxfordshire with the chance for schools to win litter picking equipment.

July 27, 2021

Hundreds of thousands are vaccinated in Oxfordshire

Press release from NHS Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Since the vaccination programme began last December hundreds of thousands of Oxfordshire residents have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and everyone aged 18 and over in the county has been offered a vaccine by the Government deadline of 19 July. GP practices, nurses, doctors, staff and volunteers from […]

July 26, 2021

Your annual voter registration letter is coming – please check the details!

Residents in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being urged to check the details on a letter they will receive from their district council from the end of July.