Latest news

July 20, 2022
How good is your council? Districts release annual performance reviews
The district councils in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse receive seven per cent of your council tax, so it’s important you know how they’re doing and that you’re getting value for money. Both councils are committed to transparency and to being accountable for their actions, and as part of that commitment they’ve […]

July 20, 2022
Call for communities to plant trees in record numbers
Communities and groups across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being urged to put plans in place now, so they are ready to plant trees in record numbers during the annual tree planting season, later this year. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) produced through the burning of fossil fuels, waste, and other materials is […]

July 19, 2022
Financial boost to keep residents active
The Everyone Active grant scheme has launched in South Oxfordshire to support local initiatives that improve the health and wellbeing of residents in the district. South Oxfordshire District Council is providing £50,000 in funding for community organisations and individuals to apply for, with a maximum grant of £1,000. Applicants will need to show that their projects […]

July 18, 2022
Didcot Garden Party – Free shows, performances and sports sessions in Didcot Garden Town this summer
The Didcot Garden Party is returning throughout the summer holidays to bring exciting events and sports activities to Cornerstone Arts Centre and local parks in the town. South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are bringing lots of free activities for families and young people from 23 July up until 31 August. The […]
July 15, 2022
Waste services and the heatwave
Please put your bins out the night before they’re due to be emptied next week. Biffa will begin waste collections at 5am on Monday 18 July and Tuesday 19 July due to the expected heatwave. This should help their crews avoid being out at the hottest part of the day. Even with the early start, […]

July 15, 2022
Taxi driver disqualified and fined after offering rides illegally at Henley Regatta
A Hackney Carriage taxi driver has been disqualified from driving and ordered to pay almost £3,000 after plying for trade illegally at Henley Regatta. On Friday 8 July, at Oxford Magistrates Court, Mr Sharafat Anayat, 39, of Woodstock Close, Maidenhead, was found guilty of illegally picking up passengers outside of the district where his vehicle […]

July 13, 2022
New partnership targets improved water quality for the River Thames at Wallingford
South Oxfordshire District Council has launched a new partnership aimed at improving the health and quality of the River Thames at Wallingford. The council is working with environmental charity Thames21 and volunteers from the local community to collect water samples and complete user surveys, to provide much-needed information on the overall health of the river. […]

July 11, 2022
New website provides one stop shop for tackling climate change in Oxfordshire
A new website offering practical advice for Oxfordshire people wanting to reduce their carbon footprint and save energy has gone live today [11 July 2022]. Climate Action Oxfordshire – – lists measures people can take and rates them according to effort, impact, and cost. It also gives people an idea of what financial savings they can […]

July 11, 2022
Councils bring back their FREE Litter Bug Detectives activity trails competition for the school summer holidays
From Saturday 6 August to Sunday 4 September South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils are once again running FREE Litter Bug Detectives activity trails for children in villages and towns across the districts.
July 8, 2022
New Design Guide website adopted to help create high-quality, sustainable development
An online guide that helps create high-quality and sustainable development in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse has been improved and extended following feedback from users. The Joint Design Guide is an up-to-date, innovative, concise, engaging and interactive document that acts as a tool for anyone undertaking a development to ensure it fits […]