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a close-up black and white photo of a drain

August 4, 2022

Call for Thames Water to act on sewage concerns

Serious concerns about sewage and the potential impact on people and wildlife in South Oxfordshire have prompted district councillors to call on Thames Water to come clean about treatment capacity and pollution across the district. In 2021, Thames Water dumped raw sewage into the River Thames and its tributaries 5,028 times and discharges are happening […]

August 3, 2022

Joint statement from the leaders of South Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse District Council, Cherwell District Council, Oxford City Council, and West Oxfordshire District Council

“The five Local Planning authorities in Oxfordshire have been working together on a joint plan for Oxfordshire to 2050. It is with regret that we were unable to reach agreement on the approach to planning for future housing needs within the framework of the Oxfordshire Plan.  “Local Plans for the City and Districts will now […]

July 26, 2022

Residents urged to check their voter registration details

Residents across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being urged to check the details on a letter they will receive from their district council from the end of July. South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils will be sending a ‘Canvass Communication Form’ to all homes which requires the occupants […]

Calculator and budget

July 25, 2022

Council declares Cost of Living Emergency amid spiralling energy bills and central Government tax rises

South Oxfordshire District Council has declared a Cost of Living Emergency and has called on the Government for urgent support following a council motion. The council fears vital services it provides such as homelessness prevention and community support will come under greater pressure as the authority tries to support residents during these difficult times. The […]

July 22, 2022

South Oxfordshire District Council sets out its plans to help with sustainable food production and the reduction of food waste

Councillors have agreed steps to help sustainable food production and the reduction of food waste which include supporting local farming businesses, encouraging developers to include community gardens and allotments in their plans and supporting food charities in the district.

July 20, 2022

How good is your council? Districts release annual performance reviews

The district councils in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse receive seven per cent of your council tax, so it’s important you know how they’re doing and that you’re getting value for money. Both councils are committed to transparency and to being accountable for their actions, and as part of that commitment they’ve […]

A photo of two someone holding a watering can over a newly planted tree and another person holding a shovel which is partly covered in soil

July 20, 2022

Call for communities to plant trees in record numbers

Communities and groups across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being urged to put plans in place now, so they are ready to plant trees in record numbers during the annual tree planting season, later this year. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) produced through the burning of fossil fuels, waste, and other materials is […]

everyone active grant scheme image

July 19, 2022

Financial boost to keep residents active 

The Everyone Active grant scheme has launched in South Oxfordshire to support local initiatives that improve the health and wellbeing of residents in the district.  South Oxfordshire District Council is providing £50,000 in funding for community organisations and individuals to apply for, with a maximum grant of £1,000. Applicants will need to show that their projects […]

Didcot Garden Party with two people cycling on a path and flowers at the bottom in the foreground

July 18, 2022

Didcot Garden Party – Free shows, performances and sports sessions in Didcot Garden Town this summer

The Didcot Garden Party is returning throughout the summer holidays to bring exciting events and sports activities to Cornerstone Arts Centre and local parks in the town. South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are bringing lots of free activities for families and young people from 23 July up until 31 August. The […]

July 15, 2022

Waste services and the heatwave

Please put your bins out the night before they’re due to be emptied next week. Biffa will begin waste collections at 5am on Monday 18 July and Tuesday 19 July due to the expected heatwave. This should help their crews avoid being out at the hottest part of the day. Even with the early start, […]