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Over half a million pounds in funding awarded to community organisations in South Oxfordshire

Voluntary organisations in South Oxfordshire whose work includes supporting young people, providing vital help and advice for residents, and protecting the environment have been awarded £667,992 in grant funding.

South Oxfordshire District Council awarded the funds to 22 organisations to help them improve the quality of life for the residents and communities they serve, whilst making sustainable plans for their future work.

Environmental charities including Earth Trust, River Thame Conservation Trust and Wild Oxfordshire were awarded funds to help with their work in our natural world benefitting nature and residents. All applications for the grant were asked to consider how their organisation, activities and services are working towards addressing the climate emergency – a key priority as set out in our Corporate Plan.

Supporting vulnerable residents is also a focus of the funding, with local information and advice services awarded funds. Riverside Counselling, a charity based in Henley, with services also in Wallingford, Didcot and Berinsfield, were awarded £45,568 to help them provide counselling services to adults and young people from the age of 12. Thomley Hall Ltd in Thame, a charity for children and families with autism and complex needs, received £70,000 from the grant scheme.

Ewan Shinton, Chief Executive of the charity said: “Thomley’s vision is to enhance the lives and experiences of people with disabilities, their families and the wider community.

“Only 20 percent of our income comes from visitor contributions, with the remainder coming from fundraising and commercial activities. More than half of our visitors are financially disadvantaged and in these challenging economic times are in more need than ever of Thomley’s activities and support.

“Securing multi-year funding from South Oxfordshire District Council means Thomley will continue offering its high-quality learning and leisure activities in the years to come. We expect to see record numbers of people with disabilities and their families attend Thomley this year and next.”

Cllr Maggie Filipova-Rivers the Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing said: “We’re fortunate to be able to support so many organisations with vital funding this year. All the organisations that have been granted funding from this scheme make such a difference to the lives of residents in our district, especially the most vulnerable.

“We recognise the value of the voluntary and community organisations and the work that they do across the district. This two-year funding will enable organisations to manage their core costs whilst they can focus on their day-to-day services and look at how they can be more sustainable so that they are able to continue helping those in need for many years to come.”

Organisations wanting to find out more about the grants and support is available at South Oxfordshire District Council can contact


About the Revenue Grant Scheme

This funding comes from the South Oxfordshire District Councils Revenue Grant scheme that was launched last year to applicants. It offers two years of financial support to community and voluntary organisations working to improve the quality of life for the residents of South Oxfordshire.

The funding that has been allocated will cover two years from April 2022- March 2024.

As part of this funding, the council also wishes to offer support to organisations to diversify their income streams, providing funds to invest in fundraising/income generation activities to further boost the sustainability of their organisation.

There’s more information about the grant schemes at South Oxfordshire District Council

About Thomley Hall

For more information about Thomley Hall Ltd please see their website The images attached to this press release should be credited Thomley Hall Ltd.

The full list of organisations which received funding are:

  • Be Free Young Carers £12,277
  • Berinsfield Information and Volunteer Centre £11,314
  • Chiltern Centre Ltd £13,048
  • Community First Oxfordshire £18,498
  • Didcot Train £25,148
  • Earth Trust £18,333
  • Home Start – South Oxfordshire £16,454
  • Millstream Day Centre £11,517
  • My Life My Choice £13,192
  • Nomad £15,058
  • Oxfordshire Association for the blind £26,228
  • Oxfordshire Play Association £12,671
  • Oxfordshire South and Vale Citizens Advice £238,444
  • River Thame Conservation Trust £14,627
  • Riverside Counselling £45,568
  • Style Acre £14,477
  • Sue Ryder £16,677
  • Thomley Hall Ltd £70,000
  • The Abingdon Bridge £34,279
  • The Berin Centre £14,541
  • The Maple Tree £12,606
  • Wild Oxfordshire £13,035

There are more details on our website about our 2020-2024 Corporate Plan.