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March 24, 2021

Green Homes Grant will improve conditions for 150 Oxfordshire households

At least 150 homes across Oxfordshire will be made more energy efficient thanks to a successful bid for £1.5 million of government funding. Oxfordshire County Council was awarded the Green Homes Grant by the government. The council will be working together with expected delivery partner the National Energy Foundation (NEF) to help less well-off households […]

January 12, 2021

First tenant moves into new housing project for homeless people in southern Oxfordshire

A former rough sleeper has started the new year by moving into a new home thanks to a new housing project for homeless people in southern Oxfordshire. Six new long-term homes have been provided for former rough sleepers in the south of the county following the success of a pilot project called ‘Housing First’ run […]

July 21, 2020

New housing grants policy makes it easier for those in need of help with their homes

Released on July 20, 2020 South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have made it easier for people with disabilities – or who are vulnerable – to receive housing assistance grants and loans to help make their homes safer and more comfortable. While the councils have always provided a grants and loans service […]

June 25, 2020

South and Vale welcome Didcot infrastructure news

Released on June 18, 2020 News that £218m of funding to boost infrastructure in the Didcot Garden Town has finally been agreed has been welcomed by South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse District Councils. The government awarded the Housing Infrastructure Funding to support the significant growth in housing in the Didcot Garden Town […]

March 11, 2020

Councils open their first winter shelter for rough sleepers

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have offered a local winter shelter for the first time to provide safe emergency accommodation for rough sleepers in South and Vale. The winter shelter enabled rough sleepers to remain in the local area where they may feel safer and find it easier to maintain their […]

February 7, 2020

South and Vale District Councils push for zero carbon homes in joint response to Government consultation.

In their response to the Government’s Future Homes Standard Consultation, which closes later today, South Oxfordshire District Council and the Vale of White Horse District Council have agreed with the move to produce clearer standards and guidance in line with the recommendations of the Hackitt Review.  Restructuring the guidance so that it is clearer about […]