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Leader’s statement on the end of Lockdown 2, December 2020

South Oxfordshire District Council Leader, Cllr Sue Cooper, says: “Because cases of Covid-19 have reduced in South Oxfordshire, pubs, shops, gyms and restaurants can re-open as we move into Tier 2 today.

“We hope this paves the way for a merry Christmas and happy New year in South Oxfordshire, despite the difficult times we are living through.

“However, the pandemic is not over yet, and South Oxfordshire, with the rest of the county, is still on high alert. We must be careful and follow the rules to stop the spread of Covid-19.

“We also know that the December reprieve for businesses won’t make-up for what they have lost. Similarly, there are people in our communities who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable and need extra support. If you know of anyone who is isolating for health reasons, do ring them up and check they have everything they need, or just offer them the chance to have a chat.

“I’d like to remind you that support is available for traders and for residents so please get in touch with us if you need help.

This Christmas, we’ve also introduced some free parking days in December and you can find details here. Pease try to use these to shop locally and help our businesses.

“The relaxing of lockdown restrictions means we could enjoy a Christmas with family and friends, but we don’t know the implications this will have in terms of the rules we will have to follow in early 2021.

“Please do enjoy the festive season, but remember, we must still follow the rules to stop the spread of the virus over Christmas and New Year.”