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The Baldons Neighbourhood Plan

The Baldons Neighbourhood Plan became part of the Development Plan on 4 October 2018 and carries full weight in the determination of planning applications. On 11 October 2018 it was agreed to be made and that it should continue to be part of the development plan.

What’s happening now?

The parish council recently ran the statutory pre-submission consultation on the draft plan review, which ended on 6 December 2024. The local community and statutory consultees were invited to offer their comments on the draft neighbourhood plan review. The parish council are reviewing comments received and making changes to the draft plan review before formally submitting it to the district council.

Once the plan has been submitted, the district council will organise a further six-week publicity period, inviting comments from the public and statutory consultees.  All documents and comments received are then submitted for independent examination.

View the draft plan.

Supporting documents:

The Baldons Neighbourhood Plan 2018

Take a look at the made plan, the Decision Statement and the SEA Adoption Statement.

Supporting documents:

Examination documents:

More information on the process is available on our Neighbourhood Planning Resources page.

If you would like to discuss neighbourhood planning with a member of the team, please contact us.